State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) (04-22-0193) - 040

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Brief Description
This course provides background and technical skills necessary to function in the State EOC
Full Description
The New York State Office of Emergency Management is sponsoring an Emergency Operations Center Course. The State’s response to regional and statewide incidents has resulted in both long and short-term activations of the State Emergency Operations Center.
These activations reinforced the need for training, and in response to this need, SOEM has developed this one day course for Agency Liaisons, Representatives and State EOC staff.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with background and technical knowledge necessary to function efficiently and effectively in the State EOC. This course is designed to address the NIMS Target Capabilities and providing Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) for incident management through the activation and operation of the state emergency operations center (State EOC).

Course Objectives:
-Emergency Management in New York State
-State EOC Operations
-Principles of ICS for the State EOC
-State EOC functions, layout and principle SOPs
-Understanding ESFs.  
-Multi-level communication methods for various levels of Incident Management
-Request, mission, and information processing
-Class Exercises and Group Activities

Target Audience: Any State Agency personnel who may be assigned to the State EOC in times of disaster.

Prerequisites: None

Cost: There is no fee for this course.
Training Dates
06/12/2025 - 06/13/2025
Do you require reasonable accommodations in order to attend this course (if you select yes then you will be contacted by our office before the first day of class to discuss further).
Registration Dates
02/12/2025 - 05/22/2025
Available Seats
12h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Directions to Location
Directions to NYS Emergency Management Office:

Building 22 of the New York State Office Campus

From the South: Take I 87 North to exit 24, go through tolls for NYS Thruway.  See overhead signs to I 90 (Boston/Albany) East.  To Exit 3, State Offices.  Ramp comes up onto loop road.  See sign for Building 22, Public Safety Building, State Police, State Emergency Management Office.  From I-90 East and onto the loop road Building 22 will be the third building on the right.  The State Police Academy is first, the State Police Forensic Lab is second.  Turn into parking lot AA, on the left-hand side and walk up the stairs on the hill to enter the main entrance to the building.  

From the East: I-90 to Exit 3, State Offices. Ramp comes up onto loop road.  See sign for Building 22, Public Safety Building, State Police, State Emergency Management Office.  From I-90 West and onto the loop road Building 22 will be the third building on the right.  The State Police Academy is first, the State Police Forensic Lab is second. Turn into parking lot AA, on the left-hand side and walk up the stairs on the hill to enter the main entrance to the building.  

From the North: take I 87 South to exit 2E, I 90 East to Boston/Albany.  Take I-90 to Exit 3, State Offices. Ramp comes up onto loop road.  See sign for Building 22, Public Safety Building, State Police, State Emergency Management Office.  From I-90 East and onto the loop road Building 22 will be the third building on the right.  The State Police Academy is first, the State Police Forensic Lab is second. Turn into parking lot AA, on the left-hand side and walk up the stairs on the hill to enter the main entrance to the building.  

From the West: Exit I 90 at Exit 24 go through tolls for NYS Thruway.  See overhead signs to I 90 (Boston/Albany) East.  To Exit 3, State Offices.  Ramp comes up onto loop road.  See sign for Building 22, Public Safety Building, State Police, State Emergency Management Office.  From I-90 East and onto the loop road Building 22 will be the third building on the right.  The State Police Academy is first, the State Police Forensic Lab is second. Turn into parking lot AA, on the left-hand side and walk up the stairs on the hill to enter the main entrance to the building.  

SECURITY:  There is a security booth in the lobby of Building 22 staffed by the State Police, who will issue a visitor’s ID based on your driver’s license and contact the person to be visited prior to entry.

Should you encounter any difficulties contact our 24-hour number at 518-292-2200.
Building 22 is part of the Averill Harriman State Office Campus located between Washington and Western Avenues.  It is located next to The University at Albany or SUNY (State University of NY), but the campuses are not interconnected to traffic.

PARKING: Students should park in the lower lot located south of the Building.
Resources Required
Students will need a state agency laptop capable of connecting to wifi.

If students do not have a laptop please email the NYS OEM Training & Exercise Section ( so one can be provided to you for use during the class.
Reporting Instructions
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Dress is business casual.  
Signup Details
No Show Policy: Failure to attend a class you have registered for can result in restriction on future course attendance and agency notification. It is the students responsibility to notify us in a timely manner if you cannot attend.

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