NY Responds Incident Management System Training (NYR) (04-22-0296) - 055

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Brief Description
NY Responds is the web-based solution to integrating & managing multiple functions of the State EOC.
Full Description
This is a virtual offering of this course. Webex information will be sent to students via email the day before the course.

The New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission (DPC) Exercise Coordination Committee is sponsoring a NY Responds (NYR) training course to be held at the New York State Office of Emergency Management; Albany, New York. NY Responds is the web-based solution to integrating and managing multiple functions of the State EOC. The system allows Agencies and Counties to follow the status of their resource request as it moves through the State EOC. This training program will introduce users to the NYR environment from log-in to situation reporting, and accessing and using key functions and tools in the setting they will most likely work in when assigned to the EOC.

Course Curriculum Structure and Topics:
– Multi-Incident Management
– Defining 3 types of information that enter the system
– Resource categories and management
– Roles, Rights and EOC information flow
– Creating, Updating & Viewing Calls
– Situation Reports and IAPs
– System-wide functions & tools, Library, Phonebook
– Geo-Coding reports, requests, and offers
– Managing assets using the asset tab

Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is DHSES employees, DPC Agency Liaisons, and personnel who may be assigned to the State Emergency Operations Center (State EOC).  We strongly suggest you submit your registration as early as possible.  Because of high demand for this course, we will give preference to DHSES staff and representatives of agencies to the State EOC.

IS-100b Introduction to ICS (I-100) which can be taken online at: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-100.c
Training Dates
06/11/2025 - 06/11/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
02/11/2025 - 05/21/2025
Available Seats
6h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Directions to Location
This is a virtual training.
Resources Required
Students will need access to a computer with internet access.
Reporting Instructions
This is a virtual training that will be conducted via WebEx.

Class Time: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Signup Details
No Show Policy: Failure to attend a class you have registered for can result in restriction on future course attendance and agency notification. It is the students responsibility to notify us in a timely manner if you cannot attend.

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