Intermediate Emergency Operations Center Functions (G-2300) (28-22-2300) - 025

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Brief Description
The goal of this course is to assist jurisdictions that desire to develop or improve their EOC
Full Description
The goal of this course is to assist individuals and jurisdictions that desire to develop or improve their Emergency Operation Centers.   This three-day course is designed to examine the role, design, and functions of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system.  By the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate, through activities and a Final Exam, the managerial and operational roles of the modern-day EOC as a NIMS Command and Coordination functional group operating within a Multiagency Coordination System (MACS). The course will also;
- Provide training about staffing, organization, information, systems, communications, and equipment needs at the EOC, such activating and deactivating, operations, as well as training and exercising.
- Focus on the role of an EOC as one of four NIMS Command and Coordination Structures.
- The materials were developed with the assumption that audience members may have little or no actual experience as a member of an EOC Staff.

- Identify EOC staffing solutions by aligning EOC Skillsets to common EOC structures.
- Explain the planning, operational and resourcing functions of the EOC.
- Using a scenario, identify the essential elements of information (EEI) that support EOC decision making and information sharing.
- Using a scenario, identify changes in EOC activation level, staffing, resources and information requirements for an expanding incident.
- Identify the role of an EOC during the transition to recovery.
- Explain the location, design, equipment and technology considerations for the EOC.

Target Audience:
State, and local emergency management personnel who may be designated to support an EOC within their jurisdiction or organization. National Incident Management System (NIMS) Emergency Operations Center training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to positions within an EOC or by those persons who desire to seek qualification and certification in an EOC position or function.

Course Prerequisites:
Required: IS-0100, IS-0700, IS-0800 and IS-2200 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management and Operations.
Recommended -G-191 Emergency operations Center/ Incident Command System Interface and IS-200.

Cost: There is no fee for the course. Food, lodging & transportation costs are the responsibility of the participant.

Training Dates
05/21/2025 - 05/23/2025
An Introduction to the National Incident Management System (IS-700) (11-18-0700)
National Response Framework, an Introduction (IS-800) (11-18-0800)
Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions (IS-2200) (11-18-2200)
Do you require reasonable accommodations in order to attend this course (if you select yes then you will be contacted by our office before the first day of class to discuss further).
Introduction to the Incident Command System (IS-100) (11-18-0100)
Registration Dates
01/11/2025 - 04/23/2025
Available Seats
24h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
15 - Erie County
Erie County Training & Operations Center
3359 Broadway
Cheektowaga, NY  14277
Reporting Instructions
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dress is business casual
Signup Details
No Show Policy: Failure to attend a class you have registered for can result in restriction on future course attendance and agency notification. It is the students responsibility to notify us in a timely manner if you cannot attend.

-Please follow these directions below regarding providing the required    
prerequisites. Each prerequisite must be filled before a student can submit their
request to attend this course.

-If the required prerequisite is within your Training History, the DHSES LMS will
automatically assign it to the course you are registering for.

-If the prerequisite does not appear in your training history then select “request waiver” under fulfillment and provide clarifying comments when prompted that states, you will email the prerequisite to OEM directly and click save. Email all course prerequisites to, please include what course you are registering for in the body of the email.

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