DECONTAMINATION (01-09-0009) - 023

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Brief Description
Full Description
Trains firefighters and emergency services personnel to fully understand and perform decontamination of people and equipment at the scene of a hazardous materials release. Proper protection as well as procedures for emergency and formal decontamination are covered.

Designed for:  All emergency response personnel who may be required to perform decontamination.

Course Length:  4 hours

Course number: 01-09-0009

Course Location(s): Locally via Outreach
Training Dates
07/30/2024 - 07/30/2024
Training Authorization Letter (TAL)
Registration Dates
05/16/2024 - 07/30/2024
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
4h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
51 - Steuben County
Corning City Fire Department
2 Corning Blvd
Corning, NY  14830
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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